Falsified Alcohol: Forensic and Pharmaceutical, Forensic and Narcological, Forensic and Medical Consequences for Life and Health of a Citizen
falsified alcohol, circulation, illegal production, forensic pharmacy, forensic narcology, forensic medicine, citizen, pharmaceutical law, medical lawAbstract
This article examines the problems of ensuring the population's access to safe, high-quality and affordable food products, alcoholic beverages and medicines, which is an important condition for the implementation of constitutional norms by law enforcement agencies, state authorities and local self-government. Special attention is paid to the control of the circulation of alcoholic beverages, which guarantees their quality and prevents counterfeit products from being sold. Based on the analysis of forensic-pharmaceutical, forensic-narcological and forensic-medical practice in Ukraine, the activity of operatives of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, who expose criminals who secretly manufacture falsified liquor and vodka products, is highlighted. This activity harms the economy of the state and public health. It is proposed to improve the method of investigation of crimes under Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which includes establishing the circle of victims, appointing forensic medical and forensic drug examinations, determining the level of health impairment of the victims and compensation for treatment costs. The need to implement the methodology of the Alcohol Measures for Public Health Research Alliance (AMPHORA) project in Ukraine for the detection, analysis and toxicological assessment of counterfeit alcohol circulation is considered separately. The article also focuses on the recommendations of the WHO regarding the transition to the new ICD-11 classifier by 2027, where alcoholism is listed in Chapter 06 "Mental and behavioral disorders and disorders of neuropsychological development".
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