physical rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, educational process, methodological approaches to the educational processAbstract
The organizational approaches and requirements for carrying out a comprehensive practical-oriented state exam of the educational and qualification level "Bachelor", which was taken by students studying at the medical faculty of the Private Higher Educational Institution “Lviv Medical University” in specialty 227 "Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy", were considered. Its results on the basics of physical therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, respiratory system, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system were analyzed. According to the results of the exam, the mean score was 4.1, the qualitative success index was 80 %. It is proposed to expand the list of practical tasks in situational problems for patients with various nosologies, which correspond to the basics of “rehabilitation intervention/influence”; to connect the conditions of the situational problems in the examination cards with the tasks performed when preparing the answers to the questions; in practical classes and during clinical practices, devote more time and attention to the acquisition and improvement of practical skills, in particular, working out the algorithms of patients’ examinations and rehabilitation manipulations. The content of the comprehensive practical-oriented state exam, the lists of typical activity abilities and skills tasks, that are submitted to the exam are based on the requirements of the industry standard of higher education and the educational program (educational and professional) and programs of the disciplines included in the certification. The comments and wishes expressed by the State Examination Commission do not diminish the significant contribution of the medical faculty’s staff to the training of students graduating in 2024. The proposals of the State Examination Commission will form the basis for the training of students for the following years and for carrying out examinations. Students of the medical faculty of the Private Higher Educational Institution “Lviv Medical University”, who fulfilled all the requirements of the educational and professional program of the full higher medical education at the "Bachelor" level and successfully passed the final state exams, were awarded the educational qualification “Bachelor of Medicine” and the professional qualification “Assistant Physical Therapist” with specialty 227 "Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy", and a standard model diploma was issued.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ihor Haiduchok, Olha Gumenyuk, Olha Ryabukha, Orysya Kovalyshyn, Nadiya Kozova

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