Organization of the Pharmaceutical Business, Industrial Pharmacy and Forensic Pharmacy Concerning the Competences of Quality Management During the Circulation of Medical Products: GxP Standards
organization of pharmaceutical business, industrial pharmacy, forensic pharmacy, competencies, quality management, circulation of medical products, GxP standards (GDP, GLP, GCP, GSP, GDP, GPP)Abstract
A study of competencies for quality management in the pharmaceutical industry during drug circulation in accordance with GxP standards (GDP, GLP, GCP, GSP, GDP, GPP) within the organization of pharmaceutical business, industrial and forensic pharmacy was conducted. The changes that have taken place in the modern system of pharmaceutical provision of the population, in the relations between the subjects of the pharmaceutical market and the state, were analyzed. The role of pharmaceutical enterprises and health care institutions in the context of the implementation of the set of GxP good practices has been studied. Attention was focused on the model of formation of the organizational and management culture of quality management among future pharmacists in the system of legal relations "doctor-patient-pharmacist-lawyer". The system of legal relations is based on legal, pharmaceutical care, integration of general and special competencies. The need to justify the scientific basis of the professional training of new generation pharmacists who possess the basics of organizational and management culture and relevant educational and communication technologies for quality management according to GxP standards during the circulation of medicinal products on the pharmaceutical market has been updated.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Viktoriia Shapovalova, Shapovalov Shapovalov, Alina Osyntseva, Serhii Negretskii, Anatolii Derkach
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