


facial nerve, rehabilitation, therapy, medicaments, reflexotherapy, hirudotherapy, SUJOK therapy


Modern interdisciplinary knowledge provided to medical students and pharmaceutical students during training, training, retraining and advanced training at the Lviv Medical University Medical University contributes to the highly qualified training of specialists who will soon enter the states or already work in health care institutions. I and pharmacies of different forms of ownership. In turn, the teaching staff of the department of physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports medicine and physical education consists of a team that includes peripheral nerve surgeons (plastic or facial plastic surgeon), family doctors, neurologists, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, physiotherapists and speech therapists. They collaborate with doctors of other specialties, pharmacists and lawyers, which is the guarantee of the most effective means of teaching the discipline at the modern level, as well as studying the level of providing holistic care to patients with facial paralysis. That is, we study and consider the assessment and treatment of facial nerve injuries. Emphasizes the role of the interprofessional team in the care of patients with facial nerve palsy undergoing facial nerve repair in a health care setting during outpatient or inpatient treatment. It should be noted that lesions of the facial nerve occur most often among the pathologies of the cranial nerves. They make up from 2 to 5% of all diseases of the peripheral nervous system of an inflammatory-degenerative nature and rank 1st in frequency among mononeuritis and mononeuropathies. In different regions of the world, the incidence of facial nerve neuritis ranges from 16.0 to 30.1 cases per 100,000 population. Our research was conducted in one of the Health Care Institution in Lviv. 20 patients with acute neuritis of the facial nerve were treated. Patients were divided into 2 subgroups of 10 people each. Group 1 patients received only medical treatment. Patients in group 2 were given non-medicated treatment (reflexology and hirudotherapy, buccal massage, seed therapy, passive-active exercises) along with medical treatment. Recovery of movement disorders in patients of group 2 occurred gradually from 5-6 days. 2-3 courses of 10 sessions were used. Contracture of the affected muscles was not observed. Methods of non-pharmacological treatment of acute neuritis of the facial nerve can significantly shorten the recovery process and prevent the development of facial muscle complications. The usual practice for neuritis of the facial nerve is to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In addition, painkillers may be prescribed. If the patient has severe pain and a high degree of nerve damage. The doctor may recommend, during pharmacotherapy, a short course of glucocorticosteroid drugs to relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of the health disorder. At the same time, if it is established that the cause of neuritis is an infection (bacterium or virus), antibiotics or antiviral drugs are prescribed. In addition, when dry eyes appear, it is necessary to moisturize them with the help of special drops, and at night to cover the eyes with a bandage. The treatment does not require the patient to stay in a hospital, it can be carried out in an outpatient setting, under the supervision of a family doctor.


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How to Cite

Matsko Н. (2024). REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE SUFFERED FACIAL NEURITIS. Actual Problems of Medicine and Pharmacy, 5(2), 1–16.